Sunday, August 15, 2010

Science Prac: Copper Sulfate

This week in science, we went to the lab. We put some copper sulfate in a testube and added some water. During this prac we added more and more copper sulfate, and put it over the bunsen burner. What went wrong in our group's prac was it bubbled too much and overflowed out of our testube. I think what caused this problem was that we added too much water. Is this the reason?


  1. This prac was very fun and exciting to see if the copper sulfate was insoluble or soluble

  2. I think the water had been over heated and that caused it to over flow but I also support your reason.I think either of those is the cause of it. Nice question!

  3. It looked like there were small tissue particles in the water when it was heated. Once it was cooled down they sunk to the bottom of the test tube.
