Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Custom Glitter Text

  1. Explain how the equipment used in this experiment could be used as a thermometer
  2. Use the particle model to explain what happens to the level of the water when the flask is heated and cooled.


  1. 1. The tube indicates the temperature.The higher the water level, the higher the temperature.

    2. When water is heated, the particles vibrate faster and expand. The tube is the only source of escape, so the water goes up the tube.When the water is cooled, the distance between water particles becomes smaller and the water receeds.

  2. 1. The level of water in the tube can be used to indicate the temperature. If the temperature is high, then the water level becomes higher therefore becoming read as a higher temperature. This is like a thermometer.
    2. When heat is added to the water, then the particles expand and take up moore space travelling up the tube taking up more space. When the water is cooled, then the space between the particles become smaller, taking up less space. The water level drops.

  3. 1. The glass tube shows the temperature.Which means the higher the water level, the hotter it is.

    2. When the water is heated, the particles move around faster and get bigger. The tube is the only way for the water to escape, which means the water goes up the tube. When the water is cooled, the water goes back down the tube.

  4. 1. The tube shows the temperature of the water, when the water rises, it means it gets hotter and when it falls, it means the temperature is dropping

    2. When the water gets hotter, the water particles becomes more active and expands. The particles travel through the tube taking up more space, and when the water is cooled down, the particle comes back to its own size and comes down back into the water through the tube
