Thursday, October 14, 2010

Custom Glitter Text

We went to the lab and completed the prac below found in Science World Chapter 12.1. The class has a ball completing this prac despite having to cremate some Tiny Teddy biscuits. Great insight into how we get energy from food. We also burnt some apricot slice and rice crackers. No pics or vid taken - sorry :(


  1. This test really helped to show what energy does
    to make things go

  2. I loved this prac. we burnt the tiny teadies, an apricot slice and some crackers. I liked the slice the best because it actually turned molten and it was dripping and the drips looked like liquid fire. It was amazing!

  3. When I burnt an aprict slice there were sparks. It looked pretty cool. When we put the slice under the test tube the water started to boil. I found that interesting.

  4. Yes this helped me a lot about energy
    I loved this prac. I found that when we burned up the tiny teddy we found green flame. I was quite amazed about that flame as i had not ever seen that ever. Overall It is a great prac and lesson about energy and it is not that time consuming nor hard to do
